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19m * Beginner * Course

Stefan Mumaw enforces that the creative process is a 5-step process. I'm not sure how far I can agree with that statement as I've always viewed my creative process as a journey of highs and lows led by both inspiration and discovery, eventually concluded with a creative outcome. I'm also of the opinion that everyone's creative process is different after all we each have different experiences and find inspiration through a variety of inlets. I'm interested to understand Mumaw's view on the creative process and see if this brings change to my own thoughts on the subject. With all this in mind I will refer to the ‘The Five-Step Creative Process’ and ‘Mumaw’s Creative Process’ from here on out.

Mumaw’s Creative Process:

  1. Objective Finding

  2. Data Gathering

  3. Problem Design

  4. Ideation

  5. Selection

Objective Finder

In this video Mumaw discusses how he views solutions and goals, solution is ‘an’ answer and a goal is ‘the’ answer to the solution. The objective finding aspects of this process is dedicated to identifying what you want to happen when you solve the problem.

Data Gathering

In this video Mumaw speaks about data gathering or rather the research process. Whilst not all the data gathered is relevant Mumaw describes this as a natural part of the process. He also breaks down how to sit through your research and determine its relevance. A divergent exercise Focuses on collecting a lot of possibilities. Below is a copy of the questions Mumaw recommends for any research data gathering process. Where as a Convergent exercise you sift through the divergent data and determine relevance through sorting your data into three separate headings Mumaw used the headings vital, interesting and insightful.

Problem Solving

Is the problem started with the right problem? Does solving this problem lead to your objective? These are the questions you have to ask yourself when you reach the problem-solving stage of the creative process.


Mumaw introduces this step as a common mistake dedicated to those who jump to the obvious conclusion of solving a problem through quick ideas. The true focus of this step is to generate as many possible ideas as you can. Different concepts will help you create something of value.


This is the portion of the creative process where you decided which concept works as a solution to your objective. Mumaw states that it's best to start by developing selection criteria. It's important not to get sentimental over ideas. Spend time strengthening, improving or combining ideas from your ideation, or even removing parts that are obsolete. This ensures your final concept will be the best that it can be. Remember to refer back to the earlier criteria to apply it to the new design.

Part 2 : In Practice

Mumaw demonstrated his 5-step creative process using a previous project he had worked on. This commission was dedicated to conceptualising and designing a website for a new Minor League basketball team. Below I have depicted the events Mumaw described into a simple diagram showcasing how Mumaw breaks down his creative process in practice for this project.

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