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Go to my shop here and order your very own A4 Print for the first of my Illustrated Recipe Series!

In recent weeks I have been pushing myself to explore my artistic abilities and try to reach daily creative fulfilment. Over the course of my A-levels and degree, I became more distanced from my own creativity and instead focused on grades and what others thought of my work. I've realised that a fundamental impact on my mental health and consequently my artistic career has been the lack of freedom in my art. Perfectionism has always been an issue for me and is something many creatives struggle with but the academic stress from my education has pushed this over the edge and led me to a place where I haven't been enjoying my work, I haven't been feeling inspired or creative just anxious. This is something I hope to change and recently I have been doing just that, here is the first in what I hope is a series of many more to come!

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